candle gazing meditation-云顶集团3118acm

trataka is a form of meditation where you stare at a single point, like the flame of candle. a candle gazing meditation session in the evening will clear your mind after a long day. just focus on the flame to channel your thoughts, regain energy, and find your state of peace.

location: bedroom
time of day: night
duration: 15 minutes

empower yourself with the serenity of a focused meditation.

how to stay still your mind with simple meditation

practicing candle gazing meditation before bed eases insomnia and helps to still your mind. light-focused meditation is also known to improve concentration, patience, memory, and willpower. other health benefits include improving the nervous system by balancing the activity between the two hemispheres of the brain.


  • find a quiet space and sit comfortably on a .
  • place a in front of you – at eye level or on the floor. light the candle and let it be your guide.
  • focus your gaze on the flickering flame, taking slow, deep breaths. let your emotions flow.
  • once you feel relaxed, gently close your eyes and imagine bringing the candle between your eyebrows.
  • if you lose focus, open your eyes and repeat the process until the image stays in your mind.

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