jamming with the family-云顶集团3118acm

sharing knowledge is always in season. get the whole family together at harvest time to learn traditional kitchen skills and family recipes. share favourites, techniques and laughs as you preserve the fruits of the season.

location: kitchen
time of day: afternoon
duration: 4 hours

embrace the joy of passing down traditional skills.

ritual recipe

passing down family recipes and cooking skills to younger generations creates strong bonds and lasting memories. when you make food together as a family, it helps everyone live in the moment – and preserving fruits is also a great way to avoid food waste! turning the season’s excess into something you can enjoy for months to come. 


  • get all the kids an mariatheres children’s apron. put all the necessary tools on the kitchen counter.
  • fill bowls with fruits that are in season – think apricots, plums and strawberries.
  • use a wide pot like ikea 365 to cook the recipe. put the children on stirring duty with koncis balloon whisks – and adult supervision.
  • once it’s done, separate the preserves into small korken jars. share the love, save a lot and gift a few decorated jars.

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