life at home report – the ikea research on home life-云顶集团3118acm

our fascination with life at home is what makes us ikea. every year, we ask tens of thousands of people to share their thoughts and feelings about where they live. we want to learn what makes life at home better so that we can help people thrive there. it’s an ongoing, global research project that feels more important than ever.

make yourself at home

home is an extension of ourselves, of our identities. the more we see ourselves in our homes, the better life there is. learn how people across the globe make home their own.

life at home report 2022 highlights

more about our research


our annual life at home report is one of the most comprehensive research projects of its kind in the world. we ask tens of thousands of people to open up about their needs and dreams. we consult with experts and carry out extensive desk research. our aim is to reach a better understanding of what life at home means for all of us.

dimensions of home

most of us describe our home by talking about the people we live with, the things we own, the amount of space we have and the place we live in. these four dimensions – relationships, things, space, place – help us explain how our homes are organised and what kinds of activities we usually do there. they reveal just how much we have in common, even when our homes can look and feel very different.

emotional needs of home

home is more than a place – it’s a feeling. in 2018, we identified five emotional needs that our homes must meet to make us feel ‘at home’: comfort, security, belonging, ownership and privacy.this year, our research  discovered two extra emotional needs our living spaces need to support – enjoyment and accomplishment – and this finding is at the heart of the 2022 life at home report.

our ongoing life at home research

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