life at home report 2022 – make yourself at home-云顶集团3118acm
there’s no place like our own home
every year we speak to people all over the world to find out what life at home means. last year, we heard from over 37,000 people living in homes of all shapes and sizes across 37 countries. we’ve been struck by the unique ways people live and discovered that when home shines with personality, life can feel a lot better for everyone living there.
during times of deep uncertainty, we continue to turn to home as a place of comfort and security. our research shows that we’re more likely to feel good about home when it reflects our personality.
in my flat i can finally be my own adult, i have my own four walls, i can take care of myself, be a part of society while making my own decisions.
a home is an extension of one’s personality; we can see their lifestyles through their ornaments, their choice of sofa, tv… a person’s home is something that they configure to reflect who they are.
we asked what are the elements that make home feel like a reflection of yourself, and this is what people said:
it‘s only been a few months, but it’s a room that i love and i‘ve collected a lot of things and built it up. it’s like a castle.
the top frustrations we face are:
worldwide, 4 out of 5 people are regularly frustrated by aspects of their home.
cutting through the clutter
we are often feeling frustrated by having to do cleaning, not having enough space for our things. so, by making small changes and displaying some of our much loved possessions, we can easily make our home feel more like ours.
originally, it was intended to be a family study room, but we took the desk to a private room and it was empty. now it's a room with no purpose. we put a big tv in there, but we don't watch it here, and it has become a big hallway-like area. i don't feel very comfortable here.