inspiration for a shared family bedroom-云顶集团3118acm
creating a safe, comfortable sleeping space for the whole family is a smart way to free up the rest of your home for other activities. just be sure to allow flexibility for everyone’s schedule, habits and needs.
sharing like siblings do
in a different room it could have been a bunk bed, but making the most of your space is also about fitting in personal tastes. at least one thing is certain, foot-to-foot beds won’t have sisters and brothers arguing about who sleeps where.
creating rooms in the room
everyone sleeping comfortably in one room will probably take a well-thought-out plan. putting the big bed in the centre with a block-out curtain at the head of the bed creates a space behind it that can be furnished almost like a separate room.
crisp new covers
crawling into a bed made with new bed linen is a feeling that’s hard to beat. colours and patterns also make it a little more fun. match the beds, or contrast completely. why not let the two bed buddies decide?
add a little curtain creativity
curtains can be used for more than dividing and screening. they can add a unique decorative touch, create a cosy cocoon feeling at bedtime, and even help soften the acoustics of the room.
ready and able bedside table
with a whole family running around the beds, it can be hard to make room for bedside tables – unless they’re easy to stow away under the bed. just pull them out to get to the things you want around at bedtime.
and still room for clothes storage
placing the big double bed in the middle of the room leaves available wall space that can be used for clothes storage. chests of drawers don’t take up too much space and in the right colour they almost blend into the wall.