beijing xihongmen store-云顶集团3118acm

store info

store business time:10:00-22:00

restaurant business time:10:00-21:00

ikea swedish food marketing & bistro business time:10:00-22:00


store address: building 2, no.15 xinning street, daxing district, beijing.

line 4 xihongmen station exit a, west 100 meters.

ruihai south station: # xicheng 3 
xihai park station: #631
xinhe street station: #377


ikea family

ikea family is open to everyone, and it’s free to join. so start taking advantage of all the great member benefits – join ikea family online or go to your local store to sign up for membership. please remember to swipe your member card every time when you purchase in ikea to get all the latest offers and information. and the goods return and exchange time should be extended from 60 days to 365 days.

family offer



*pictures are only for reference.

--- ikea bistro ---

--- ikea swedish food market ---

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