suzhou store-云顶集团3118acm

store info


opening hours:

store:  10:00-21:00
restaurant:  9:00-20:00 (breakfast is served from 9:00 am to 10:00 am) 
smaland: working days: 13:00-20:00 , weekends and holidays : 10:00-20:00 .
if  you have any question, please call 0512-68134532.

store address:no. 17 chengji road, xushuguan town, gaoxin district, suzhou (intersection of chengji road & datong road / north line of middle ring road)

you can take the metro line 3 to snd railway station, get out from exit 1#.
ikea suzhou store located in the southeast of the snd railway station (about 800 meters away).


ikea suzhou store provides 24-hour charging service for electric vehicles 

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