souzan meana-云顶集团3118acm
team manager, ikea business solutions
“i see that no matter where you start, you can end up anywhere.”
how did you get started in ikea and what have you done so far?
i started two years ago when i applied for an ikea management trainee programme in sweden. i have a background in it and as part of the programme i was paired with the cio. i barely knew ikea and i was suddenly working with all the leaders. it was amazing, but also quite tough. i was a bit lucky to get to know ikea so well in a short time. my next step was that i wanted to be a leader. i got a position as a team manager. it has been a great, great experience. the best part of it is that i get to try a lot of things and experience all types of leadership and management. i make a lot of mistakes every day, but it feels like a secure environment where i can test and fail together with my team.
why did you want to work with ikea?
i search for meaning in everything i do, so the vision “to create a better everyday life for the many people” is quite meaningful to me. i like that it’s a family-based business, not on the stock market. it means we can think long-term.
what are the most inspiring responsibilities or tasks you have in your current role?
i like leading people and helping them grow. but it’s easier said than done. it’s what i wanted to do most, but it’s also the most challenging. the role involves much more than this. i try hard to create the right circumstances for co-workers to do a good job. if i can do that i’m happy.
what advice would you give someone thinking about this job?
trust yourself and be authentic to yourself. when i’m trying to be someone else i’m not going to be my best. i’m my best when i’m true to myself and what i’m capable of. i have a trusting manager today. i feel like someone believes in me.
what is your favourite aspect of the ikea culture and values?
for me it’s togetherness, because it’s one of my core values. i recruit a lot of people and it’s one of the things i look for. if we will make it together you need to share this value.